2021 TCS New York City Marathon

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Shatterproof is a proud charity partner of the 50th annual TCS NYC Marathon. On November 7th, Team Shatterproof will represent 13 runners of the limited field size of 33,000 in this historic event.

Join us as we run and raise funds to reverse the addiction crisis in the U.S.

Every dollar raised goes directly to Shatterproof's mission of transforming addiction treatment in America, ending the stigma of addiction, and supporting and educating our communities.


Shatterproof has a limited number of bibs available for the 2021 TCS NYC Marathon.

If you are a runner looking to participate, please contact us.

Contact Us


If you are already registered for the NYC marathon and would like to join the team,

you can register here:

Join Team Shatterproof


Make a donation to support those running the 26.2 on November 7th!



Together, we are stronger than addiction. 

